Search Engine Optimisation.

Everyone wants their website to rank at the top of the 1st Google search results page. That’s sound thinking. Search data shows that higher ranked websites get higher traffic. Higher traffic means more sales opportunities. More sales opportunities means more potential sales which helps increase the business’s revenue. Many companies will claim that they can guarantee you a place at the top of the Google search results, and indeed they probably can with Search Engine Marketing techniques (Google Adwords). However, depending on how competitive your industry is, your advertising dollar could be better spent.

Organic Search Results on a Typical Google Search Engine Results Page

Why SEO?

Whereas the top Google Adword position will capture approximately 7% of the search engine traffic, the top ‘organic’ spot will typically capture over 35% of the search engine traffic.  In fact, each of the top 5 organic spots will attract more search engine traffic than the top Google Adword spot. Obtaining one of these spots  in Google’s organic search engine results is therefore a very valuable goal as it will invariably prove valuable to your business.

The ‘ABC’ of Good Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation of your website is an intensive operation, but we would love the opportunity to work with you on your business’s online presence.

Our comprehensive Search Engine Optimisation strategy includes

  • An Initial Audit
  • Keyword and Market Research
  • Onsite Optimisation
  • Content Marketing
  • Link Building
  • Directory Listings
  • Social Media Promotion
  • Reporting, Analysis & Fine-tuning

Search engine optimisation is key to helping businesses generate leads and sales via the Internet and you can trust in our team to improve your rank using search engine optimisation. Ongoing communication with your business to maintain business focus a rolling cycle of education regarding changes in Search Engine Optimisation ‘best practice’ by our analysts helps us keep your Internet Marketing strategy current and ahead of the competition

Just contact us for a consultation and we can implement a plan to raise the organic rank of your business website. For a brief overview of some of the considerations and developments in the web that we consider when putting together a strategy, just visit our Google+ page.